Girolamo Cialderi
The Assumption and Saint Crescentinus
Oil on canvas, 137.8 x 70.9 in. (350 x 180 cm.)
Albani Diocesan Museum, Urbino, Italy
Crescentinus is the patron saint of Urbino, Italy, celebrated there on June 1. Here he is shown praying on behalf of the city to the Virgin of the Assumption. The cityscape in the background includes the Metaurus River, the walls, the Cathedral (with the dome) and the Ducal Palace (with the tower). The dragon at the saint's feet
is from his legend. (See the Acta Sanctorum, June vol. 1, 58-61.)
The Assumption painting is typical for this period, with Mary rising on a cloud toward her son in Heaven, accompanied by putti and angels with musical instruments.
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Photographed at the museum by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.