The St. Giles Frescos in Weißpriach

Circa 1100
Church of St. Rupert, Weißpriach, Austria

The narrative begins on the north wall (above). On the left St. Giles milks the doe that God has provided him. In the center and right, King Flavius (in the foreground, with the small crown on his head) goes hunting with his knights. The fresco extends the length of the nave in this small church, and the story then continues on the south wall:

The fresco on the south wall is badly damaged, but the vignette on the left appears to be about the wounding of St. Giles, which would continue the story begun on the north wall. The next episode in the story is in the central vignette. Giles raises his right hand in blessing as King Flavius arrives to apologize for the wounding and to offer medical assistance. In the third vignette Flavius stands behind the saint, gesturing as if in supplication. In the Latin vita he begs the saint to accept the help of the royal surgeons, even offering gifts if Giles will accept. But the saint looks up to an angel who is pointing heavenward.
     By what one can tell from the damaged right side of the fresco, Giles appears to be kneeling. This would correspond to the next part of the story: Refusing medication, he kneels down and asks God that the wound never heal in his lifetime, remembering God's words to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for thee; for power is made perfect in infirmity."1

View the north wall and the south wall in full resolution.
Read more about St. Giles.

Photographed at the church by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.