Master Morata
Passion Altarpiece: Detail, the trial before Caiaphas

Aragon, circa 1470-1505
Tempera and gold on wood
The Cloisters, New York City (gift of George Blumenthal, accession numbers 11.3.1 and 35.35.19)

In John 18:3 (Judas brought to the garden "a cohort" (cohortem in the Latin, σπειραν in the Greek) along with servants of the chief priests and the Pharisees. Cohortem and σπειραν imply Roman soldiers, a point obscured in some English translations. In this panel their Roman identity is specified by the red banner in the foreground with the letters spqr (for senatus populusque romanus).

Now the soldiers and servants together, have brought Jesus before Caiaphas, the man sitting on the left in a black hat. The older man at his right shoulder may be his father-in-law Annas, before whom Jesus was arraigned in John 18:19-24.

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Photographed at The Cloisters by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.