The Passion of St. Chrysogonus

In the apse of the Church of San Crisogono in Trastevere, Rome

In the apse theThe narrative reads from left to right. In the first panel St. Anastasia brings food and comfort to the imprisoned Chrysogonus and is then herself led off to prison. In the second, Chrysogonus stands before the Emperor Diocletian, who condemns him to death. In the third he is beheaded.

As is common in post-medieval art, St. Chrysogonus is depicted as a young military officer in cuirass, paludamentum (a sign of higher rank), and boots. This garb and the heroic style of the works suggest that they may date from the 17th-century restoration of the church undertaken by Giovanni Battista Soria for Scipione Borghese.

Read more about St. Chrysogonus.

Photographed at the church by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.