Nicolás Correa, Procession of St. Rosalia of Palermo

Oil on canvas
Collection of Diego Monroy Ponce

In 1625 the people of Palermo carried St. Rosalia's relics through the streets in a procession, seeking her intercession against a plague that had broken out. The relics had been discovered just the year before, in a mountain cave above the city.1

The scroll carried by the putti in the sky is inscribed B. ROSALIA ORA PRO NOBIS, "Blessed Rosalia, Pray for us."

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Photographed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

1 Catholic Encyclopedia, s.v. "St. Rosalia" for the discovery of the relics. For the procession, label provided for an exhibition of the painting at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.