The Coronation of King David


Cathedral of Amiens, 1501
Painted on wood, 6 feet 4 inches tall (193 cm.)
MNMA (Cluny Museum in Paris), Fonds Du Sommerard, Cl. 822

David is anointed in 2 Samuel 2:1-4, which places the anointing in Hebron but says nothing about the building where it occurred. Here it is an elaborate church-like structure. High ceremony is also emphasized in this silver plate from the 7th century. But in a drawing by Jean Poyet the event is in a tent pitched in an open field (Wieck, 33).

This is one of two wings of a triptych. The central panel has been lost. The other wing portrays the coronation in 1498 of Louis XII. The elaborate

Read more about King David.

Photographed at the Cluny by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.