In Augusta Veromanduorum [now called St.-Quentin, Aisne] in Gaul, St. Quentin. He was a Roman citizen of senatorial rank who suffered martyrdom under the Emperor Maximinian. Fifty-five years later his body was revealed by an angel and found incorrupt. – Roman Martyrology for October 31
St. Quentin was beheaded after remarkably cruel tortures. The stained glass at right pictures the second day of his passion, in which he was tortured on the rack and then boiled in oil. After this he was taken to another town and nails were driven into his head and body. The latter torture is pictured in the Frontal de Durro, a 12th-century altar frontal studied in Camps y Montserrat (91).
Prepared in 2014 by Richard Stracke, Emeritus Professor of English, Augusta University, revised 2015-11-02. |