Cenni di Francesco di Ser Cenni, The Coronation of the Virgin with Saints

Tempera and gold leaf on panel
The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

This is the kind of "polyptych" altarpiece that developed in the 14th century from the simpler forms of the 13th. Wooden pseudo-columns separate the piece into a larger middle panel with a single image of a saint or the Virgin and two or four flanking panels with portraits or narratives. Pointed arches and gold ground are also characteristic of this style, and the more elaborate examples will be topped by finials like the ones seen here. Along the bottom there will be a predella with small narrative panels. In this case the predella panels present a miscellany of narrative subjects, but in many other examples the panels are sequenced into a continuous narrative.

Also see detail pages with photographs with commentary for the following panels in this altarpiece:

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Photographed at the museum by Richard Stracke, shared under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.